
Iceyoo – Chillin’ OUT, Cheerin’ UP!


This dessert cafe is not only about shave ice but also spending luxurious time with our precious ones. Here, we serve our customer warmth with our inviting icy dessert that can, definitely, chill them out and cheer them up!


There lies a rule in this little cafe where every customer shall follow, which is to put aside all their mobile devices and pay full attention to their companies. This is because ‘Eyes on You’ is our original motive of beginning this merry eatery, and it is how our brand name: ICEYOO came to be.


Adellent has helped Iceyoo in brand development and brand strategy. The logo resembling a loving animal who can’t wait to eat the loving shaved ice dessert. The reason of using cat is that cat is the most favorite pet in Malaysia (especially Malay community). This is an Asian Cat who loved to enjoy life, and has a high standard of demand in what he loves to eat. This logo is conveying a more friendly and playful image for ICEYOO.




January 1, 2015