VBLOC 企业转型学堂 (18/7/2019)
Invitation by The VBLOC Founder cum CEO Lawrence Choong to let me conduct a one-day “Brand Positioning and Management” workshop at the Corporate Transformation School on July 18.
It’s a pleasure to talk about brand creation, positioning and management with the young and distinguish entrepreneurs, their optimistic and positive approach are very encouraging. Let’s make our Malaysian brands strong and successful! ~Moving Forward !
受 The VBLOC 创办人暨执行长Lawrence Choong 的邀请在 7月18日为”企业转型学堂”进行一天的《品牌定位与管理》工作坊。希望借此宝贵的机会与年轻杰出的企业家们有更多关于品牌创建与管理的交流。让我们一起把马来西亚的品牌做好,做強,做大! ~Moving Forward 誓向前进!