We are pleased to represent our client Kalbe Malaysia Sdn Bhd, to contribute 40 cartons with the total quantity of 2,880 units of Fitbar energy bars as a token of appreciation to PDRM and the teams on duty during the celebration of Hari Raya and MCO period.
We deeply appreciate the contribution of PDRM to safeguarding the community.
赢在部「鼠」 Tactical Precision ahead of time for a prosperous year 人的一生离不开「部署」这两个字。 从学业、事业到家庭乃至日常的生活都充满着大大小小的部署、策划及安排。 Adcellent 的团队坚信每一次的成功绝非偶然。成与败,输与赢乃取决于我们对每件事的部署是否周全到位。 在这现实的社会里,与其不断埋怨种下负面的思维,倒不如正面地迎向每个挑戰,付出多一点,别怕吃亏,沉稳和理性的部署及策划,成功即将属于你! 就让这机警的庚子金鼠带领我们迎向2020! —— ——「赢在部署」 #CNY2020 #adcellent FB: @Adcellent https://www.facebook.com/Adcellent/videos/1791458957658068/ ...
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